“You can’t travel now that you have kids”. Yeah, yeah, that’s what people say. But you can and you will travel with kids. You’ll just be dragging with you a few additional items. And one of those non-negotiables – a stroller. You may have Hulk-level strength, but eventually, your arms will get tired. You need to bring a stroller when you travel. But it doesn’t have to be the giant pain you’ve pictured in your head. In fact, it makes travel a whole lot easier, especially at the airport.
So grab a cup of coffee because today we’re going to learn how to gate-check a stroller. And believe me – it’s an art form.
Is it free to gate check a stroller?
In most cases, yes. Strollers and car seats are not counted as part of the standard baggage allowance and are permitted to be checked free of charge. You could bring both a stroller and car seat and check each for free, and not have them impact your baggage allowance numbers. However, (because there’s always a caveat) each airline may have differing policies. So we’ve also included policies for some of the major U.S. airlines.
Airline | Policy |
Alaska Airlines | We will transport your child’s car seat and stroller free of charge as checked baggage. You can check these items with your other baggage, or wait until you reach the gate area. This also applies to stroller-wagons that are designed to carry children and are collapsible to under 90 linear inches and 35 pounds. Standard bag fees/rules apply to larger wagons, those not designed to carry children, or those carried in addition to a stroller. |
Allegiant Air | You may check a stroller as checked baggage at the time of check-in at the ticket counter or gate check it during boarding. There is no charge for checking or gate checking one stroller per fare-paying passenger. Gate checked strollers will be stowed in the cargo hold of the aircraft during the flight and delivered to the gate or passenger loading bridge upon arrival at your destination. |
American Airlines | Each ticketed customer is allowed 1 stroller and 1 car seat to be checked free of charge Strollers over 20 lbs / 9 kgs must be checked at the ticket counter All other strollers should be checked at the gate before boarding If you have a stroller and a car seat only 1 can be checked at the gate |
Delta Airlines | Children’s strollers and child safety seats are not counted as part of the standard baggage and therefore can be easily checked for free. For your convenience, these items may be checked at the curbside, the ticket counter or at the gate. |
Frontier Airlines | You can bring a stroller, but once you take it to the gate, it must be checked from there. The stroller will be checked in free of charge. |
Hawiian Airlines | When traveling with children, the following items are accepted as carry-on or check-in baggage, exempt from baggage fees: car seat and stroller. Wagons subject to standard bag fees. If you prefer, you may also check these items at the gate using a claim-at-gate tag. Your stroller must be checked-in if it is non-collapsible and/or weighs over 50 lbs. |
JetBlue | Strollers and car seats do not count toward your carry-on or checked bag allowance. You may check them through when you arrive at the airport or gate-check them at the jetbridge. |
Southwest Airlines | Customers with children are allowed to check one stroller and one car seat without charge. This allowance applies to any type of stroller and/or car seat and is in addition to the regular baggage allowance. Customers may check the stroller and car seat at the curb, ticket counter, or gate. An optional Southwest reusable car seat/stroller bag is available for purchase at any Southwest Airlines ticket counter for $17. |
Spirit Airlines | We will happily check one stroller and one car seat per child for no extra cost at the ticket counter. If you are traveling with two children, you are more than welcome to check a double stroller instead. You may also check these items at the gate. We’ll have them waiting for you in your arrival city when you get off the aircraft. |
United Airlines | You can check one car seat and one stroller or folding wagon per child you’re traveling with, for free. This can be done at the gate or ticket counter. Large or non-collapsible strollers, and non-folding wagons must be checked at the ticket counter. However, they’re also free. |
Can I gate check a double stroller?
Depending on the airline you may be able to gate check a double stroller. Every airline has its own policy when it comes to double, or larger strollers. Be sure to carefully read the policy of your airline. In most all cases, you’ll still be able to check your double stroller for free. However, some airlines have policies that you have to check your stroller at the baggage counter if it exceeds certain size or weight requirements. Some of these policies we’ve outlined above, but it’s always a good idea to ask an agent when you arrive at the airport, to avoid any surprises.
You can even get an extra large bag for your double stroller.
Can you gate check a stroller and car seat?

In most cases, yes, you can gate check a stroller and car seat, both free of charge. But check the individual airline policy. Many airlines will let you check both right at the gate. Others, like American Airlines for example, will only permit you to check one stroller or one car seat at the gate.
Chapter 1: Stroller Selection – Size is Everything
You’ve got your tickets, your bags are packed, and your little one is buzzing with excitement. Okay, let’s back this up a little bit. We’re in the packing process, or even before that. What type of stroller are you going to bring with you? It does matter and I’ll explain why.
We are stroller enthusiasts. We’ve tried different types and brands of strollers. And all strollers are not created equal when it comes to travel. You really want to think about what is going to work best for you and your family. Are you going somewhere that you anticipate needing the stroller a lot (i.e. Disney World, wandering cobblestone roads in Europe)? You may need a durable workhorse of a stroller. Are you going somewhere that stroller usage will be minimal (i.e. an all-inclusive beach vacation)? You may get away with something more compact.

Do you have multiple kids? An infant? An older child? These are all factors to consider when picking out your stroller.
Here are some of our favs:
- gb Pockit+ (the compact option)
- BOB Revolution (the worker bee)
- Joovy Caboose Too (the configurable double stroller)
- UPPAbaby Vista V2 (the trendsetter)
Chapter 2: The Trial Run
You get to the airport, ready for adventure, followed quickly by panic. How does this thing fold? Do I still have the manual that came with it? Will I ever get through this? Okay exaggerating a bit, but let’s back up again.
Strollers have gotten complex when it comes to collapsing. It’s a good thing really – they have gotten more compact, which means more intricate folding. But every stroller has its unique method. And you should know yours in advance so when your boarding group is called, you’re prepared. It’s better to have your system down rather than start your journey sweating with a spike in blood pressure.
Do a little practice run at home. Nothing crazy – just make sure you remember how to fold your stroller (bonus points if you can do it one-handed while holding a squirmy toddler) and check that it fits in your gate check bag. Speaking of gate check bag…
Chapter 3: You Need a Gate Check Bag
Baggage handlers aren’t known for their delicate touch. Your stroller will likely be tossed around a bit during loading and unloading. Enter the stroller gate check bag. In our opinion, this is a non starter – you need one! What is a gate check bag? Gate check bags protect your stroller from standard wear and tear, like scratches and scuffs, and keep them clean. They also keep your stroller nice and dry, in the event of water or inclement weather. And lastly, if your stroller has separate pieces, gate check bags keep everything together. It’s a total bummer when you lose a cup holder. Speaking from experience on that one.
Is it required to have a bag for your stroller? No, if you forget to bring one or you don’t have one, you can still gate-check your stroller. There are no rules around stroller bags. It’s just highly recommended to keep your stroller safe and protected. Most strollers will be just fine without one. It’ll just give you added peace of mind. And
Plan ahead and bring a gate check bag. Just make sure it’s big enough to fit your stroller. And while we’re mostly focused on strollers, you may also think about gate checking a car seat. They make gate check bags for car seats, too!
Chapter 4: The Check-In Conundrum
Now we’re officially at the airport. As tempting as it may be to check your stroller at the check-in counter, don’t do it! Trust us – you’ll want that stroller until the last possible moment. Check anything else you want, and politely decline if the check in agent asks if you want to check your stroller.

From here, we keep our kiddos in the stroller and head to the TSA line.
Chapter 5: TSA Like a Pro
It’s time to conquer TSA. This is the step that trips people up the most. It’s a high-pressure situation: making sure all the bags make it on the belt while keeping one eye on your kid who’s fascinated by the funky machine. It’s a full-body workout and a test of your multitasking skills.
But take a deep breath. It’s only high-pressure if you make it high-pressure. Yes, other passengers may get cranky being behind a family with strollers, diaper bags, pacifiers, and pack-n-plays. But who cares? In my best therapist voice: they are responsible for their own reactions. Not you. So don’t panic if you aren’t moving at warp speed. Staying calm during the security process will set the tone for your entire travel day.

Now back to the stroller. Sometimes TSA agents will ask you to collapse it to see if it fits through the scanner. You can politely attempt. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. If your stroller is too big for the scanner, they will take it and manually inspect it. This step only adds an extra minute or two, so don’t worry about it being some kind of intense process. Just ask the TSA agent what they want you to do with your stroller and they’ll let you know.
And then just like that, you’re through security.
Chapter 6: Take a Breezy Stroll Through the Airport
If you arrive at the airport early, by all means, grab some food or a coffee first. Here’s where the magic really happens. Your sleepy toddler is complaining about walking. You have a stroller. Your baby is heavy and your arms are going to fall off carrying them. You have a stroller. And all those random bags you didn’t check – hang them from the stroller instead of carrying them. It’s honestly a gamechanger. Not only is it easier to push your little one/s, but your stroller also doubles as a luggage rack so you don’t have to carry your backpack and the diaper bag.

Pro Tip
Consider investing in a couple of stroller add-ons if yours doesn’t come with them. Ones we recommend: cup and phone holder, zippered stroller organizer, and stroller luggage clips or hooks
Chapter 7: Head to the Gate
You may be reading this thinking “Ok great, but how do I actually check my stroller?”. We’ve reached the logistics portion of our day. Up until now, there’s nothing extra you need to do with your stroller. You don’t need to tell any airport personnel you are planning to gate-check your stroller until you actually arrive at the gate.
Here’s how it works:
- Find the gate agent working your gate and tell them you’d like to gate check your stroller

- The gate agent will ask your name and print you a pretty pink tag. This is important because a pink tag means you can pick up your stroller right at the gate when you land. If you gate check your suitcase, they won’t give you a pink tag – it’ll go to baggage claim. Confirm with the gate agent where to pick up your stroller after the flight. Most often, it’ll be placed on the jet bridge, right after you step off the plane.
- Put the tag on your stroller bag, or ask a gate agent to help. Make sure your tag is visible (i.e. don’t put the tag on your stroller and then put your stroller inside your gate check bag). Airport employees need to be able to see your tag to know where it goes.
- Fold up your stroller and tuck it inside your gate check bag

Chapter 8: You’ve Made It to Boarding
Your stroller is all folded and tidy inside your gate check bag. And it’s time to board your plane. Hooray! All you need to do is carry your stroller bag down the jet bridge when boarding your plane. You’ll drop it off at the very end, right before you actually step inside the plane.
One of the baggage crew members will take your bag from here. Easy peasy!

Can I get my stroller during layover?
Yes, you can. When the gate agent creates your tag, you can opt to check all the way through to your final destination or pick up your stroller during your layover. It really comes down to personal preference. Some travelers like gate checking one and done. Others like the convenience of having their stroller during a layover.
Also, note that some strollers don’t actually require gate checking. The GB Pockit, for instance, folds so small it fits under the seat in front of you. Keep this in mind if you want to bypass gate checking altogether.
Chapter 9: The Arrival
You made it to your destination. You survived the flight. It went pretty smoothly and your kid/s slept the whole time (positive thoughts). Where’s the stroller? It should be waiting for you just outside the plan door, on the jet bridge. Confirm with the gate agent ahead of time as it could vary by airline, but most unload it here.

It may be waiting for you by the time you deplane. Or you may have to wait on the jet bridge for a couple minutes while they unload. Once you get your stroller bag, take it to the gate area. Resist the urge to put everything together on the jet bridge. It’s usually congested with other passengers deplaning.
Once you get everything bag together, enjoy a nice leisurely stroller through the airport. And you’re done! That wasn’t so bad, was it?
We’ve taken stroller-aged kids on 100+ flights and have tried all combinations of gate checking vs. baggage checking vs. not checking strollers. Gate checking a stroller is the way to go. It may feel like a three-ring circus at times, but it makes everything less stressful for the whole family. And that’s really the ultimate goal.
Where are your travel adventures taking you next?
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